tsz 2014-1STUDIES
Magdolna Szilágyi: Roman Roads in Medieval Transdanubis. The Names of Roman Roads and their Role in Medieval Space Organization 1
Zoltán Fónagy: The Integration of Bosnia-Herzegovina after the Occupation. Power Politics and Modernisation in the Mirror of the Minutes of the Common Council of Ministers 27
László Borhi: The Role of Weak States in International Politics 61

László Pósán: Feud (fehde), Vengeance and Violence in the State of the Teutonic Order 75
Kornél Nagy: „There is a Vineyard Called Oremus, Yielding Plenty of Wine…” On the History of the Vineyard „Oremus” at Sátoraljaújhely 91
András Cieger: The Letter-Writing Politician. The Role of Correspondence in Hungarian Political Life during the Second Half of the 19th Century 107
Éva Somogyi: The Value of the Letter as a Historical Source. The Letters of the Offi cials in the Common Ministry of Foreign Affairs 119