tsz 2018 04STUDY
Pál Fodor – Attila Pók The Hungarians in Europe: a Thousand Years on the Borders 509
István Tringli Feuding in Eleventh-Century Hungarian Legislation 531
Attila Zsoldos The Innocent Oligarch 555
Enikő Csukovits The „Foreign” Angevin Dynasty 565
András Cieger The Hidden Working of Government Policy: the Confidential Expenses of the Prime Minister, 1872 575
Andreas Schmidt-Schweizer The Relationship between the Compatriotic Association of the Germans in Hungary and the Communist Regime (1951–1989) 595

Szilvia Czinege Count György Apponyi through the Eyes of his Contemporaries 611
Ilija Todev The idea of dualism in the Bulgarian and Hungarian political thinking in the second half of the 19th century – similarities and differences 625